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Trail & Crag’s mission is to empower outdoor enthusiasts with the knowledge they need to explore farther and play harder.

Your guide to all things outdoors

I started Trail & Crag as a place where readers can come for in-depth how-to content about my favourite outdoor activities. That is still the focus of the blog although now you will also find some gear related articles, destination guides, and stories. Regardless of type of content, everything you find here is written from the perspective of someone with firsthand experience in that topic. Trail Crag also has a Youtube channel and a Substack newsletter for readers who want a behind-the-scenes look at how the content on these channels is produced. 

About the author

My full name is Jean Paul de Villiers, but my friends and family call me Paul. It’s not entirely clear how I came to be called by my second name, but that’s how it is. Beyond that, what you should know about me is that I am an avid outdoorsman and have been playing in the hills since I was old enough to tie my own laces.

Growing up in Cape Town, South Africa, I had more than my fair share of opportunities to get outside, explore, and lose myself in the natural world. Those early adventures fostered an appreciation and respect for wilderness spaces that continue to guide my life choices today. No matter where I move to – and I’ve lived in many places – it’s always close to mountains.

On the road. In the field

It’s important that authors do thorough research on everything they write about. But it’s arguably even more important that they write from a place of first-hand experience. As a outdoorsman who compulsively tests both new and established ideas, I try to make this the focus of my writing – sharing insights and lessons hard-won in the field. To see how I do this, and get a behind-the-scenes look at how Trail & Crag is produced, subscribe to my newsletter Trail Mail.

How do I make money from Trail & Crag?

To be self-sustaining, Trail & Crag has to make money, but in a way that still ensures the best possible experience for visitors. And that means no ads, promotional content, or paywalls. Instead, Trail & Crag relies on sponsors, whose logos you see on the home page and relevant blog pages, and on commission earned on purchases made on affiliate websites.

More than coffee

While it is still growing,Trail & Crag also depends on the support of its readers. If you have enjoyed this blog or found it useful, please consider buying me a coffee. Because it’s not just coffee. Micro-donations help pay for web hosting fees, productivity tools, and licenses – everything I need to continue making great free-to-read content.


Trail & Crag is looking for sponsors

I am currently looking for partners to help me make this a full-time endeavor. If you work for an outdoor brand that sees the value  in supporting independent content creators, I would love to hear from you.