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hiker sitting next to tent

How to choose a backpacking tent

Freestanding or tensioned? Single wall or double walls? There are a dozen decisions to be made when choosing a new backpacking tent.

SUV driving through river

Overlanding 101

With the freedom to go anywhere, overlanding might be the best way to broaden your horizon.

Tarp in diamond configuration

8 Ways to rig a flat tarp

With these eight tarp configurations, you can ensure a dry and protective pitch in a variety of weather conditions.

trowel used to dig cathole

How to poop in the wilderness

Answering the call of nature doesn’t have to be a hazardous exercise. This article explains how to safely do a number two while adhering to LNT principles.

mountain scene

The 7 Leave No Trace principles

By educating yourself and helping to further the movement, you can help conserve our wilderness areas and inspire others to do the same.

hiker filtering water

How to filter and purify water in the backcountry

Crystal clear mountain streams aren’t always as clean as you think. Learn four methods for eradicating invisible water borne nasties.

hiker scrambling up rock face

Scrambling 101

Steeper than a hike but not as difficult as a rock climb, scrambles can be tackled with a little know-how and gear you probably already own.

3 brands of sunscreen

What to look for in a sport sunscreen

Everything you need to know about sunscreen and how to choose one that will save your skin.

glowing campfire

How to make a campfire

Learn how to make a campfire for staying warm, cooking food, or simply staring into.