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open cooler box packed with ice and produce

How to pack a cooler

Keep your perishables chilled for longer with these 9 tried and tested tips for packing a cooler and preserving ice.

synthetic and down jacket

PrimaLoft, down, and the science of insulation

PrimaLoft or down. How do you choose the best fill for a jacket or sleeping bag? Learn all you need to know in this guide on insulation.

energy sources for an athlete

How to stay fueled during endurance sports

Endurance athletes can only perform at their best if they replace lost calories and electrolytes. Here we look at how you can keep energy levels topped up.

mountain scene

The 7 Leave No Trace principles

By educating yourself and helping to further the movement, you can help conserve our wilderness areas and inspire others to do the same.

map and compass

How to use a map and compass

Orienteering is an essential skill for any outdoorsman and can help get you out of a scrap when technology fails you.

hiker scrambling up rock face

Scrambling 101

Steeper than a hike but not as difficult as a rock climb, scrambles can be tackled with a little know-how and gear you probably already own.

packed poncho

Poncho vs rain jacket for hiking

Struggling to choose between a rain jacket and poncho? Read on to learn the pros and cons of each as well as the conditions they work best in.

Tarp in diamond configuration

8 Ways to rig a flat tarp

With these eight tarp configurations, you can ensure a dry and protective pitch in a variety of weather conditions.

forest campsite

How to choose a campsite

Knowing what to look for in a campsite can mean the difference between a restful sleep and a cold, wet night fraught with angst.