Struggling to choose between a rain jacket and poncho? Read on to learn the pros and cons of each as well as the conditions they work best in.
Here I look at what’s behind the growing popularity of zero-drop and minimalist footwear as well as the benefits for trail runners.
Longer and more remote trails call for greater self-sufficiency. This guide lists the gear a rider can carry to be better prepared.
With half ropes, single ropes, different diameters, and varying lengths, choosing a new rope is no easy thing. Luckily you’ve found this handy gear guide.
The right trail runners will help you dance through the techy bits, make the miles easier, and reduce the risk of injury. Here’s how you choose a pair.
There are at least a dozen items that no seasoned trail runner will hit the trail without. What should you be packing for your next run?
Shorts or tights? With underwear or without? Learn the answers to these and other questions about the best pants for running in.
By choosing to go fast and light, you accept a real challenge – limiting your kit to just ten pounds while ensuring your comfort and safety.
With a wide range of functions and power sources, choosing the right headlamp isn’t always simple. Here I shed some light on your options.